View months worth of statements online, whenever you want, from wherever you are. e-Statements are not only more convenient, they’re safer than sending printed statements through the mail. They’re also better for the environment!
To sign up through It’sMe247:
1. Sign into It’sMe247
2. Go to the Member Services tab
3. Click on eStatements
4. Click on red Enroll for eStatements button
5. Select an eStatements preference; check box. Enroll now.
To Sign up through our Mobile App:
1. Sign into our Mobile App.
2. Hit more.
3. Click on eStatements
4. Click View in Web
5. Sign into It’sMe247
6. Click My Documents Enrollment.
7. Select the enroll option that works for you. Make sure your email address is correct. Hit Accept.
As an eStatements member, you will have the convenience of accessing the prior 18 months worth of statements right from your computer or mobile device! This means you can view, save, and print all from one place to save you time and money!